WS Siam Cup 2018
October 6, 2018
International Windsurfer Class Association receives the International Class Status by World Sailing
November 4, 2018
2018 Grimaldi Eurocup & Spanish Open Championships
The worst weather forecasts of the year, rain and more than 10 degree temperature drop downs, could not with the enthusiasm and professionalism of the organizing team of the I Spanish Open Championships of the Windsurfer – Grimaldi Eurocup circuit and the more than 50 participants that were cited in waters of Vilanova i la Geltrú last weekend.
Club de Mar Vilanova, together with the Vilanova i la Geltrú Town Council, Club Nàutic Vilanova, the Catalan Sailing Federation (FCV) and the sponsorship of Grimaldi Lines, Holalà restaurant, MarkSetBot and Caves Rovellats, organized the first championship from 26 to 28 October national of this thriving class that is causing worldwide furor and that returns to the 21st century the spirit of the first windsurfing competitions of the 80s.
The possibility of competing with the same material and with winds from 4 knots augur a short-term revival as evidenced by the incessant incorporation of “old glories” of windsurfing of the last century.
16 Spanish competitors along with sailors from Italy, France, Austria, Holland, Andorra or Switzerland were able to compete on Friday thanks to a slight breeze that was decreasing in intensity but was enough to finish the first of the three tests. The second day, Vilanova received the impact of a strong storm that brought an intense rain and lack of wind. After several postponements on the ground, the buoys of the first race of the day were mounted, which was canceled after the start caused by the low intensity of the wind.
With very good judgment by the jury, the last day normally reserved for a long diatance, became three windward-leeward races. The persistence of the rain, a temperature of 8 degrees in the first hours and the little wind from the north, very unsettled and unstable, was not an impediment for the fleet to put the culmination for the first Windsurfer championship in Spanish waters.
The Classification by categories after the four races and one discard was:
Light wheight category
Medium weight category
Medium-heavy weight category
Heavy weight category
Women category