Changes to European Membership

Stop to all activities until July 31st 2020
April 2, 2020
Updated Italian Event Calendar 2020
June 27, 2020
Stop to all activities until July 31st 2020
April 2, 2020
Updated Italian Event Calendar 2020
June 27, 2020

Considering the stop to all activitites caused by Covid-19 outbreak, some important changes have been implemented, since May 22nd, for the European IWCA Membership:

1) Membership duration

Duration is now changed, from solar year, to12 rolling months from the subscription date.

2) Validity extension

All members who paid (or will pay) the fees between Oct 1st 2019 and Aug 31st 2020, will have validity extended up to Aug 31st 2021.

Subscriptions after Aug 31st 2020 will have the standard 12 months duration.

Membership help to sustain the european IWCA activities and allow sailors to compete in National and International races. Members can choose a Personal Sail Number among the ones not already assigned in this list.
Where a National Class Association is present, 50% of the fees are shared with originating Countries to sustain local activities. IWCA is actively working to promote the constitution of national associations. If you want to start a National Class Association in your European country, get in touch with us.

Click here to join or renew

1 Comment

  1. says:

    I made a new junior membership for my son.
    Psn 704
    In the list is standing pc van diepen.
    This mist be changed in Sam van Diepen.
    Th a nk you in advance

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