European Champhionships 2019
August 23, 20192019 European Championships – Netherlands, Hoorn
October 14, 2019Second day on the long beach of Vieste of the Italian Windsurfer class championship. wind strung from south quadrant around 20 knots, three course Race trials were held.
This is the provisional ranking by category:
Cat A
- Costagli
- Marchesi
- Valdivieso
Cat B
- Pavolini
- Casagrande
- Spadea
Cat C
- Torzoni
- Thermes
- Sanjust
Cat D
- Cottone
- Barone
- Bianchi
Cat F
- Cristofori
- Arcidiacono
- De fazio
In the afternoon the over all slalom final was played. A spectacular event with buoys positioned 20 m from the beach full of spectators.
The first three of each category played the semi-finals and the best ones then gave birth to a spectacular final which saw Alessandro Torzoni from Piombino, Mamo Casagrande from Palermo and Emanuele Salvatore in third place
Expected north-west wind tomorrow. Skippers Meeting at 9.30 am, 3 course race and freestyle tests.